Error executing template "/Designs/Warmtethuis/Paragraph/HeatpumpAssembly.cshtml"
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at CompiledRazorTemplates.Dynamic.RazorEngine_02590a1a33f64c9a9eb10c5edeb8cb9a.Execute() in D:\inetpub\wwwroot\\Files\Templates\Designs\Warmtethuis\Paragraph\HeatpumpAssembly.cshtml:line 1138
at RazorEngine.Templating.TemplateBase.RazorEngine.Templating.ITemplate.Run(ExecuteContext context, TextWriter reader)
at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineService.RunCompile(ITemplateKey key, TextWriter writer, Type modelType, Object model, DynamicViewBag viewBag)
at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineServiceExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass16_0.<RunCompile>b__0(TextWriter writer)
at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineServiceExtensions.WithWriter(Action`1 withWriter)
at Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateRenderingProvider.Render(Template template)
at Dynamicweb.Rendering.TemplateRenderingService.Render(Template template)
at Dynamicweb.Rendering.Template.RenderRazorTemplate()

1 @using Warmgarant.Shop.Models.Constants 2 @using Warmgarant.Shop.Models.Enumerations 3 @using Warmgarant.Shop.Repository.Helpers 4 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateBase<Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateModel<Dynamicweb.Rendering.Template>> 5 @{ 6 7 // dependencies 8 var orderService = new Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Orders.OrderService(); 9 var productService = new Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Products.ProductService(); 10 var orderLineService = new Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Orders.OrderLineService(); 11 var pageService = new Dynamicweb.Content.PageService(); 12 var orderType = OrderType.Unknown; 13 14 15 /// config 16 var areaId = Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageView.Current().AreaID; 17 var assetsDirectory = "./files/templates/designs/warmtethuis/styleguide/assets/"; 18 var iconsDirectory = "./files/templates/designs/warmtethuis/images/icons/"; 19 var isComparePage = false; 20 var cartUrl = default(string); 21 var currentOrder = OrderHelper.GetCurrentOrder(orderService, "", areaId); 22 23 var selectedHeatpump = OrderHelper.GetProductFromOrder(currentOrder, ProductType.HeatPump); 24 var heatpumpSelected = currentOrder != null && selectedHeatpump != null; 25 if (heatpumpSelected) 26 { 27 ProductHelper.ClearProductPriceCache(selectedHeatpump); 28 } 29 30 // quotation data 31 var quotationParagraphId = AreaHelper.GetAreaItemIntValueBySystemName(StringConstants.WebsiteConfiguration.QuotationRequestHeatpumpParagraphId); 32 33 // heat pump info 34 var seriesName = default(string); 35 var productName = default(string); 36 var productId = default(string); 37 var variantId = default(string); 38 var productPrice = default(string); 39 var productGroupName = default(string); 40 var productMobile = default(string); 41 var productPriceDouble = default(double); 42 var productImage = default(string); 43 var productLongDescription = default(string); 44 var productBadge = default(string); 45 var isActionPrice = false; 46 var priceBeforeDiscount = default(string); 47 //var interests = default(string); 48 var heatpumpIsForSale = false; 49 var isNew = false; 50 var priceBefore = default(string); 51 var priceAfter = default(string); 52 var usps = new List<string>(); 53 var subtitle = GetString("Item.SubTitle.Value"); 54 var thermostatTitle = GetString("Item.ThermostatTitle.Value"); 55 var modalCloseImage = string.Format("<img src=\"{0}{1}\" title=\"{2}\" class=\"white-svg\" />", iconsDirectory, "x-close-white.svg", Translate("Close", "Close").JsEncode()); 56 var moreInfoImage = string.Format("<img src=\"{0}{1}\" title=\"{2}\" class=\"blue-svg\" /> <span>{3}</span>", iconsDirectory, "Plus.svg", Translate("MoreInformation", "More information").JsEncode(), Translate("Info", "Info")); 57 58 // thermostat product info 59 Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Products.Product selectedThermostat = null; 60 List<Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Products.Product> thermostatOptions = null; 61 var thermostatIntro = GetString("Item.ThermostatIntroText.Value"); 62 63 // air/dirt separator product info 64 Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Products.Product selectedAirDirtSeparatorProduct = null; 65 List<Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Products.Product> airDirtSeparatorOptions = null; 66 var airDirtSeparatorTitle = GetString("Item.AirDirtSeparatorTitle.Value"); 67 var airDirtSeparatorInfo = GetString("Item.AirDirtSeparatorInformation.Value"); 68 var airDirtSeparatorIntro = GetString("Item.AirDirtSeparatorIntroText.Value"); 69 var airDirtSeparatorExtraInfo = default(string); 70 71 // service subscriptipn info 72 var serviceSubscriptionTitle = GetString("Item.ServiceSubscriptionTitle.Value"); 73 var serviceSubscriptionIntro = GetString("Item.ServiceSubscriptionIntroText.Value"); 74 var serviceSubscriptionInfo = default(string); 75 Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Products.Product selectedServiceSubscription = null; 76 List<Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Products.Product> serviceSubscriptionOptions = null; 77 78 // installation info 79 var installationTitle = GetString("Item.InstallationTitle.Value"); 80 var installationInfo = GetString("Item.InstallationTitleInformation.Value"); 81 var installationIntro = GetString("Item.InstallationIntroText.Value"); 82 var selectedInstallation = (Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Products.Product)null; 83 var installationOption = (Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Products.Product)null; 84 var installationExtraInfo = default(string); 85 86 // disclaimer info 87 var disclaimerTitle = GetString("Item.DisclaimerTitle.Value"); 88 var disclaimerText = GetString("Item.DisclaimerIntroText.Value"); 89 90 if (heatpumpSelected) 91 { 92 // if the heatpump is for sale it can be purchased directly, else you request an advise home visit from a Warmtethuis consultant. 93 heatpumpIsForSale = ProductHelper.GetProductFieldValue<bool>(productService, selectedHeatpump, StringConstants.ProductFieldValueSystemNames.IsForSale); 94 95 // order info 96 Enum.TryParse((string)currentOrder.OrderFieldValues.GetOrderFieldValue(StringConstants.OrderFields.OrderType).Value, out orderType); 97 98 // set session variable 99 SessionHelper.SetLastAddedProductSessionValue(selectedHeatpump.Id, orderType); 100 101 // order price info 102 var orderPriceRaw = currentOrder.Price.Price; 103 var orderPrice = orderPriceRaw.WarmgarantMoneyFormat(true, true); 104 105 // advice info 106 productLongDescription = selectedHeatpump.LongDescription; 107 productId = selectedHeatpump.Id; 108 variantId = selectedHeatpump.VariantId; 109 seriesName = selectedHeatpump.Name; 110 productName = ProductHelper.CreateProductName(selectedHeatpump.Name, selectedHeatpump.Manufacturer); 111 112 productBadge = ProductHelper.GetProductFieldValue<string>(productService, selectedHeatpump, "ExtraIcon").Replace("../", "./Files/"); 113 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(productBadge) && !productBadge.ToLower().Contains("/files/")) 114 { 115 // for some reason "/Files/Images/Cons-logo_2017.png" can be "Cons-logo_2017.png" when collected by ProductHelper.GetProductFieldValue<string>() 116 productBadge = string.Format("./Files/Images/{0}", productBadge); 117 } 118 119 // get price 120 productPriceDouble = ProductHelper.GetProductPrice(selectedHeatpump).Price; 121 productPrice = productPriceDouble.WarmgarantMoneyFormat(false, false); 122 productMobile = productPriceDouble.WarmgarantMoneyFormat(true, false); 123 isActionPrice = ProductHelper.ProductHasDiscount(selectedHeatpump); 124 if (isActionPrice) 125 { 126 priceBeforeDiscount = productPriceDouble.ToString(); 127 var heatpumpDiscountPriceDouble = ProductHelper.GetProductDiscountPrice(selectedHeatpump).Price; 128 productPrice = heatpumpDiscountPriceDouble.WarmgarantMoneyFormat(false, false); 129 } 130 else 131 { 132 priceBefore = Translate("FromPrice_WT", "from"); 133 } 134 135 // go to cart URL 136 var cartPageId = AreaHelper.GetAreaItemStringValueBySystemName(StringConstants.WebsiteConfiguration.PumpsSalesCartPageId); 137 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cartPageId)) 138 { 139 cartUrl = string.Format("/Default.aspx?ID={0}", cartPageId); 140 } 141 142 // thermostat info 143 selectedThermostat = OrderHelper.GetProductFromOrder(currentOrder, ProductType.Thermostat); 144 thermostatOptions = OrderHelper.GetThermostats(selectedHeatpump, orderType); 145 146 // air- dirt separator info 147 selectedAirDirtSeparatorProduct = OrderHelper.GetProductFromOrder(currentOrder, ProductType.AirDirtSeparator); 148 airDirtSeparatorOptions = OrderHelper.GetOptions(ProductType.AirDirtSeparator, areaId).Where(product => product.Number.Equals(StringConstants.ProductSystemNames.AirDirtSeparatorHeatpump)).ToList(); 149 if (selectedAirDirtSeparatorProduct != null) 150 { 151 airDirtSeparatorExtraInfo = selectedAirDirtSeparatorProduct.LongDescription; 152 } 153 if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(airDirtSeparatorExtraInfo)) 154 { 155 airDirtSeparatorExtraInfo = airDirtSeparatorOptions?.FirstOrDefault()?.LongDescription ?? ""; 156 } 157 158 // service subscription info, for stand alone heat pumps a specific service subscription is added 159 selectedServiceSubscription = OrderHelper.GetProductFromOrder(currentOrder, ProductType.ServiceSubscription); 160 var isStandAlone = selectedHeatpump.Number.ToLower().Contains("standalone"); 161 serviceSubscriptionOptions = OrderHelper.GetServiceSubscriptions(orderType, ProductType.HeatPump, areaId, isStandAlone); 162 if (serviceSubscriptionOptions != null && serviceSubscriptionOptions.Any()) 163 { 164 serviceSubscriptionInfo = serviceSubscriptionOptions?.First()?.LongDescription ?? ""; 165 } 166 167 // installation info 168 selectedInstallation = OrderHelper.GetProductFromOrder(currentOrder, ProductType.Installation); 169 installationOption = OrderHelper.GetInstallation(orderType, ProductType.HeatPump, areaId, selectedHeatpump); 170 if (installationOption != null) 171 { 172 installationExtraInfo = installationOption.LongDescription; 173 } 174 175 // unique selling points 176 var usp1 = ProductHelper.GetProductFieldValue<string>(productService, selectedHeatpump, StringConstants.ProductFieldValueSystemNames.Usp1); 177 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(usp1)) 178 { 179 usps.Add(usp1); 180 } 181 var usp2 = ProductHelper.GetProductFieldValue<string>(productService, selectedHeatpump, StringConstants.ProductFieldValueSystemNames.Usp2); 182 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(usp2)) 183 { 184 usps.Add(usp2); 185 } 186 var usp3 = ProductHelper.GetProductFieldValue<string>(productService, selectedHeatpump, StringConstants.ProductFieldValueSystemNames.Usp3); 187 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(usp3)) 188 { 189 usps.Add(usp3); 190 } 191 192 // add defaults 193 var setDefaults = heatpumpIsForSale && 194 ( 195 (selectedThermostat == null && thermostatOptions != null) || 196 (selectedServiceSubscription == null && (serviceSubscriptionOptions != null && serviceSubscriptionOptions.Any())) || 197 (selectedInstallation == null && installationOption != null) 198 ); 199 if (setDefaults) 200 { 201 202 OrderHelper.AddHeatpumpDefaults( 203 currentOrder, 204 orderService, 205 orderLineService, 206 productService, 207 selectedHeatpump, 208 selectedThermostat, 209 thermostatOptions, 210 null, 211 null, 212 selectedServiceSubscription, 213 serviceSubscriptionOptions, 214 selectedInstallation, 215 installationOption, 216 selectedAirDirtSeparatorProduct, 217 airDirtSeparatorOptions, 218 Warmgarant.Shop.Models.Enumerations.OrderType.Buy, 219 areaId 220 ); 221 222 selectedThermostat = OrderHelper.GetProductFromOrder(currentOrder, ProductType.Thermostat); 223 selectedServiceSubscription = OrderHelper.GetProductFromOrder(currentOrder, ProductType.ServiceSubscription); 224 selectedInstallation = OrderHelper.GetProductFromOrder(currentOrder, ProductType.Installation); 225 } 226 227 var groupId = ProductHelper.GetProductPrimaryGroupId(selectedHeatpump); 228 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(groupId)) 229 { 230 var group = Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Services.ProductGroups.GetGroup(groupId); 231 productGroupName = group.Name; 232 } 233 234 productImage = ProductHelper.GetProductImage( 235 orderType, 236 selectedHeatpump.ImageSmall, 237 isActionPrice, 238 ProductHelper.GetProductFieldValue<string>(productService, selectedHeatpump, Warmgarant.Shop.Models.Constants.StringConstants.ProductFieldValueSystemNames.ActionImageBuy), 239 ProductHelper.GetProductFieldValue<string>(productService, selectedHeatpump, Warmgarant.Shop.Models.Constants.StringConstants.ProductFieldValueSystemNames.ActionImageRent), 240 areaId); 241 242 } 243 244 // SEO: VirtualPageView 245 var seoPage = SeoHelper.GetVirtualPageviewAssemblyPage( 246 GetGlobalValue("Global:Request.Scheme"), 247 GetGlobalValue("Global:Request.Host"), 248 GetGlobalValue("Global:Pageview.Url"), 249 productName); 250 251 var seoPageQuotation = string.Format("{0}/{1}", seoPage, Translate("SEO_VirtualPageviewHeatpumpAssemblyQuotationForm", "quotation-form-heatpump")); 252 var serviceSubscriptionImage = ""; 253 var installationImage = ""; 254 255 256 257 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(seoPage)) 258 { 259 <Text> 260 <script> 261 SEO.trackPageView("@seoPage", '@GetGlobalValue("Global:CookieOptInLevel").ToLower()' === 'functional'); 262 </script> 263 </Text> 264 } 265 266 <div id="heatpumpassembly"> 267 @NavigationHelper.GetBreadCrumb(productService, GetGlobalValue("Global:Area.LongLang")) 268 269 <div class="row"> 270 <div class="col s10 push-s1 l12"> 271 <h1>@GetString("ParagraphHeader") @GetString("Item.ParagraphHeader.Value")</h1> 272 </div> 273 </div> 274 <div class="row"> 275 @if (heatpumpSelected) 276 { 277 if (selectedServiceSubscription != null) 278 { 279 priceAfter = $"+{ProductHelper.GetProductPrice(selectedServiceSubscription).Price.WarmgarantMoneyFormat()} {Translate("PerMonthShort", "p/m")}"; 280 } 281 282 <div class="col s12 l3 hide-on-med-and-down"> 283 <div class="row"> 284 <div class="col s12"> 285 286 <div class="heatpump-image"> 287 <div class="contents"> 288 @using Warmgarant.Shop.Repository.Helpers 289 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateBase<Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateModel<Dynamicweb.Rendering.Template>> 290 291 @if (productPriceDouble > 0) 292 { 293 var priceColorClass = "anthracite"; 294 if (isActionPrice) 295 { 296 productPrice = $"<span class=\"before\"><span class=\"strikethrough\">{priceBeforeDiscount}</span><br /></span>{productPrice}"; 297 } 298 299 <div class="action-square medium @priceColorClass valign-wrapper"> 300 <div class="action-container"> 301 <div @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(priceBefore)) { <text> data-before="@priceBefore" </text> } @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(priceAfter)) { <text> data-after="@priceAfter" </text> }>@productPrice</div> 302 </div> 303 </div> 304 } 305 306 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(productBadge)) 307 { 308 <div class="ribbons"> 309 <div class="ribbon"> 310 <img src="@productBadge" alt="@Translate("ProductBadge", "Product badge").JsEncode()" width="135"> 311 </div> 312 </div> 313 } 314 else if (isNew) 315 { 316 <div class="action-circle medium special"> 317 <div class="action-container"> 318 @SvgHelper.GetSvgContent(string.Format("{0}images/svg/action-circle-new.svg", assetsDirectory), "brown-svg", Translate("New", "New").JsEncode()) 319 <span>@Translate("New", "New")</span> 320 </div> 321 </div> 322 } 323 324 @if (!isComparePage) 325 { 326 <div class="information hide-on-med-and-down"> 327 <div class="mask"></div> 328 <div class="contents"> 329 <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="show-info"> 330 @SvgHelper.GetSvgContent(string.Format("{0}images/icons/plus.svg", GetString("Template:DesignBaseUrl")), title: Translate("Info", "Info").JsEncode()) 331 @Translate("Info", "Info") 332 </a> 333 </div> 334 </div> 335 } 336 337 <div class="image" style="background-image: url(@productImage);"></div> 338 </div> 339 </div> 340 341 @if (selectedHeatpump.Manufacturer.Name.Equals("Remeha")) 342 { 343 <div class="remeha-logo"> 344 <img src="/Files/Templates/Designs/Warmtethuis/Images/Logo_Remeha.png" /> 345 </div> 346 } 347 348 @using Warmgarant.Shop.Repository.Helpers 349 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateBase<Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateModel<Dynamicweb.Rendering.Template>> 350 @{ 351 @*NOTE: Javascript initialize of this element should be done in the parent, because the default settings can differ per page!*@ 352 int adviceParagraphId = Warmgarant.Shop.Repository.Helpers.AreaHelper.GetAreaItemIntValueBySystemName(Warmgarant.Shop.Models.Constants.StringConstants.WebsiteConfiguration.AdviceParagraphId); 353 int contactParagraphId = Warmgarant.Shop.Repository.Helpers.AreaHelper.GetAreaItemIntValueBySystemName(Warmgarant.Shop.Models.Constants.StringConstants.WebsiteConfiguration.ContactParagraphId); 354 355 // alleen gevuld als Advice_Contact itemtype gebruikt wordt en de custom velden zijn gevuld: 356 var customContactText = GetString("Item.CustomContactText.Value"); 357 var customAdviceText = GetString("Item.CustomAdviceText.Value"); 358 359 if (adviceParagraphId > 0 && contactParagraphId > 0) 360 { 361 var callMeBackConsentText = StringHelper.GetConsentLabel(Translate("CallMeBackConsentLabel", "I agree with the Warmgarant privacy statement as shown on the {0}privacy page{1}"), 362 Translate("ConsentPrivacyPageUrl", ""), 363 "callmeback-consent-link"); 364 365 <div id="advice-contact"> 366 <div class="tabs-wrapper tabs-blue" id="tabs-advice-contact"> 367 @*TABS: default (a with active class) is set on parent, can differ per page*@ 368 <ul class="tabs"> 369 <li class="tab"><a href="#tab-content-advice" id="advice-tab">@Translate("Our Advice", "Ons advies")</a></li> 370 <li class="tab"><a href="#tab-content-contact" id="contact-tab" class="active">@Translate("Contact")</a></li> 371 </ul> 372 @*ADVICE*@ 373 <div id="tab-content-advice" class="col s12 tabs-content" style="display: none;"> 374 <div class="tabs-content-wrapper"> 375 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(customAdviceText)) 376 { 377 <div class="pictogram pictogram-small"> 378 @SvgHelper.GetSvgContent(string.Format("{0}images/svg/pictograms/apostrophe.svg", assetsDirectory), classNames: "orange-svg", title: Translate("Apostrophe", "Apostrophe")) 379 </div> 380 381 @customAdviceText 382 } 383 else 384 { 385 @RenderParagraphContent(adviceParagraphId) 386 } 387 </div> 388 </div> 389 @*CONTACT*@ 390 <div id="tab-content-contact" class="col s12 tabs-content general-wg-text active"> 391 @*CONTACT CONTENT OPEN/CLOSED*@ 392 <div class="tabs-content-wrapper"> 393 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(customContactText)) 394 { 395 <div class="pictogram pictogram-small"> 396 @SvgHelper.GetSvgContent(string.Format("{0}images/svg/pictograms/apostrophe.svg", assetsDirectory), classNames: "orange-svg", title: Translate("Apostrophe", "Apostrophe")) 397 </div> 398 399 @customContactText 400 } 401 else 402 { 403 @RenderParagraphContent(contactParagraphId) 404 } 405 </div> 406 @*CALL ME BACK FORM*@ 407 <div class="tabs-content-overlay tabs-content-overlay-hidden" id="call-me-back-container"> 408 <div class="overlay-toggle overlay-toggle-top"> 409 <div class="pictogram pictogram-x-small" data-toggle="call-me-back-container"> 410 @SvgHelper.GetSvgContent(string.Format("{0}images/svg/pictograms/x-close.svg", assetsDirectory), classNames: "general-svg", title: Translate("Close", "Close").JsEncode()) 411 </div> 412 </div> 413 <div class="pictogram pictogram-small"> 414 @SvgHelper.GetSvgContent(string.Format("{0}images/svg/pictograms/apostrophe.svg", assetsDirectory), classNames: "orange-svg", title: Translate("Apostrophe", "Apostrophe").JsEncode()) 415 </div> 416 <h7>@Translate("CallBackForm_Intro", "Call me back request")</h7> 417 418 @*Note: translate tags within form need to be surrounded by single quotes, or the pageheatpumpinfo page will crash! *@ 419 420 <form name="call-back-request-form" id="call-back-request-form" method="post"> 421 <div class="row"> 422 <div class="col s12"> 423 <input type="text" name="CallMeBack_Name" id="CallMeBack_Name" required="required" class="validate" placeholder='@Translate("CallBackForm_Name", "Your name").JsEncode()' /> 424 </div> 425 </div> 426 <div class="row"> 427 <div class="col s12"> 428 <textarea name="CallMeBack_Address" id="CallMeBack_Address" required="required" class="materialize-textarea validate" placeholder='@Translate("CallBackForm_Address", "Your address")'></textarea> 429 </div> 430 </div> 431 <div class="row"> 432 <div class="col s12"> 433 <input type="tel" name="CallMeBack_Telephone" id="CallMeBack_Telephone" required="required" class="validate" maxlength="10" placeholder='@Translate("CallBackForm_Telephone", "Your telephone number")' /> 434 </div> 435 </div> 436 <div class="row"> 437 <div class="col s12"> 438 <label class="checkbox consent blue-content-link cmb"> 439 <input type="checkbox" value="true" name="CallMeBack_Consent" id="CallMeBack_Consent" required="required" /> 440 @callMeBackConsentText 441 </label> 442 </div> 443 </div> 444 <div class="row"> 445 <div class="input-field col s12"> 446 <input type="button" name="CallMeBack_Submit" id="CallMeBack_Submit" value='@Translate("CallBackForm_ButtonText", "Submit")' class="btn btn-brown" /> 447 </div> 448 </div> 449 </form> 450 451 <div id="feedback-success" class="hide"> 452 <p class="general-wg-text">@Translate("CallBackForm_FeedbackSuccess", "Thanks for your call back request. We will contact you as soon as possible.")</p> 453 </div> 454 <div id="feedback-failure" class="hide"> 455 <p class="general-wg-text">@Translate("CallBackForm_FeedbackFailure", "An error has occurred while sending the request.")</p> 456 </div> 457 </div> 458 @{ 459 @*CHAT ICOON*@ 460 if (AreaHelper.OfficeIsOpen().Item1 && 461 IntercomHelper.IntercomIsActive() & 462 !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Warmgarant.Shop.Models.Config.ExtraConfig.ExtraConfiguration.IntercomMessengerSettings.InboundEmail)) 463 { 464 <div class="overlay-toggle"> 465 <div class="pictogram pictogram-small general-wg"> 466 <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="openIntercom">@SvgHelper.GetSvgContent(string.Format("{0}images/svg/pictograms/chat2.svg", assetsDirectory), classNames: "brown-svg darken-4", title: Translate("Chat", "Chat").JsEncode())</a> 467 </div> 468 </div> 469 } 470 } 471 </div> 472 </div> 473 </div> 474 475 @SnippetStart("JavaScriptBottom") 476 <script> 477 478 function onBeforeCallMeBack() { 479 $("#call-back-request-form").removeClass("hide"); 480 $("#feedback-failure").addClass("hide"); 481 $("#feedback-success").addClass("hide"); 482 ResetCallBackRequestForm(); 483 } 484 485 function callMeBackFormSent() { 486 $("#call-back-request-form").addClass("hide"); 487 $("#feedback-failure").addClass("hide"); 488 $("#feedback-success").removeClass("hide"); 489 490 SEO.trackEvent( 491 '@Translate("SEO_Event_CallMeBack", "call-me-back")', 492 '@Translate("SEO_Event_CallMeBack_Sent", "success")', 493 $("#CallMeBack_Telephone").val(), 494 ''); 495 496 ResetCallBackRequestForm(); 497 } 498 499 function callMeBackFormNotSent() { 500 $("#call-back-request-form").addClass("hide"); 501 $("#feedback-success").addClass("hide"); 502 $("#feedback-failure").removeClass("hide"); 503 ResetCallBackRequestForm(); 504 } 505 506 function ResetCallBackRequestForm() { 507 $("#CallMeBack_Name", "#call-back-request-form").val(""); 508 $("#CallMeBack_Address", "#call-back-request-form").val(""); 509 $("#CallMeBack_Telephone", "#call-back-request-form").val(""); 510 $("#CallMeBack_Submit", "#call-back-request-form").removeClass("btn-yellow").addClass("btn-gray"); 511 512 // Only numbers in telephone field 513 $("#CallMeBack_Telephone", "#call-back-request-form").numeric(); 514 515 // Initialize consent checkbox 516 $("label.checkbox.consent.cmb", "#call-back-request-form").innovadisCheckbox({ 517 onAfterChange: validateCallBackForm(true) 518 }); 519 $("#CallMeBack_Consent", "#call-back-request-form").prop("checked", false); 520 521 // Enable link in general conditions label 522 $(".callmeback-consent-link", "#call-back-request-form").off("click").on("click", function (e) { 523 e.stopPropagation(); 524 e.preventDefault(); 525$(this).attr('href'), $(this).attr('target')); 526 return false; 527 }); 528 529 $("input, textarea", "#call-back-request-form").off("change").on("change", function () { 530 if ($(this).val() !== "") { 531 $(this).removeClass("error"); 532 } 533 }); 534 535 } 536 537 function validateCallBackForm(changeButton) { 538 539 $("input,textarea", "#call-back-request-form").removeClass("error"); 540 541 var isValid = true; 542 var name = $("#CallMeBack_Name", "#call-back-request-form").val(); 543 var address = $("#CallMeBack_Address", "#call-back-request-form").val(); 544 var telephone = $("#CallMeBack_Telephone", "#call-back-request-form").val(); 545 var callbackConsent = $("#CallMeBack_Consent", "#call-back-request-form").prop("checked"); 546 547 if (name.length == 0) { 548 isValid = false; 549 $("#CallMeBack_Name", "#call-back-request-form").addClass("error"); 550 } 551 552 if (address.length == 0) { 553 isValid = false; 554 $("#CallMeBack_Address", "#call-back-request-form").addClass("error"); 555 } 556 557 if (telephone.length != 10 || !telephone.startsWith("0")) { 558 isValid = false; 559 $("#CallMeBack_Telephone", "#call-back-request-form").addClass("error"); 560 } 561 562 if (!callbackConsent) { 563 isValid = false; 564 } 565 566 if (changeButton) { 567 if (isValid) { 568 $("#CallMeBack_Submit").removeClass("btn-gray").addClass("btn-yellow"); 569 570 } else { 571 $("#CallMeBack_Submit").removeClass("btn-yellow").addClass("btn-gray"); 572 } 573 } 574 575 return isValid; 576 } 577 578 579 // submit form 580 $("#CallMeBack_Submit", "#call-back-request-form") 581 .off("click") 582 .on("click", function() { 583 584 if (!validateCallBackForm(false)) { 585 return false; 586 } 587 588 var name = $("#CallMeBack_Name", "#call-back-request-form").val(); 589 var address = $("#CallMeBack_Address", "#call-back-request-form").val(); 590 var telephone = $("#CallMeBack_Telephone", "#call-back-request-form").val(); 591 592 var callbackRequestApiUrl = "/@Warmgarant.Shop.Models.Constants.StringConstants.ApplicationVariables.WebApiName/form/callbackrequestsubmit"; 593 594 var formvalues = { 595 areaId: @Warmgarant.Shop.Repository.Helpers.AreaHelper.GetCurrentAreaId(), 596 culture: '@GetGlobalValue("Global:Area.LongLang")', 597 name: name.trim(), 598 address: address.trim(), 599 telephonenumber: telephone.trim() 600 } 601 602 // ajax post 603 $.ajax({ 604 type: "POST", 605 data: JSON.stringify(formvalues), 606 url: callbackRequestApiUrl, 607 contentType: "application/json" 608 }).done(function(sentSuccessfully, status, metaData) { 609 if (sentSuccessfully) { 610 callMeBackFormSent(); 611 } else { //show error message 612 callMeBackFormNotSent(); 613 } 614 }).fail(function(jqxhr, textStatus, error) { 615 var err = textStatus + ", " + error; 616 console.error("Request:", callbackRequestApiUrl, " failed:", err); 617 callMeBackFormNotSent(); 618 }); 619 620 }); 621 622 </script> 623 @SnippetEnd("JavaScriptBottom") 624 } 625 } 626 </div> 627 </div> 628 </div> 629 } 630 <div class="col s12 l9"> 631 <div class="row" id="contentrow"> 632 <div class="col s10 l8 push-s1"> 633 <div class="row"> 634 @if (!heatpumpSelected) 635 { 636 <div class="col s12"> 637 <p>@Translate("FirstSelectAHeatpump", "First select a heatpump.")</p> 638 </div> 639 } 640 else if (!heatpumpIsForSale) 641 { 642 <div class="col s12"> 643 <p>@Translate("HeatPumpNotFor Sale", "This heatpump is not for sale.")</p> 644 @{ 645 var listPage = pageService.GetPageByNavigationTag(areaId, Warmgarant.Shop.Models.Constants.StringConstants.Navigation.HeatpumpListPage); 646 if (listPage != null) 647 { 648 <p> 649 <a id="back-to-list" class="btn btn-yellow" href="/Default.aspx?ID=@listPage.ID">@Translate("BackToList")</a> 650 </p> 651 } 652 } 653 </div> 654 } 655 else 656 { 657 var productPageId = 0; 658 if (orderType.Equals(OrderType.Buy)) 659 { 660 productPageId = AreaHelper.GetAreaItemIntValueBySystemName(StringConstants.WebsiteConfiguration.PumpsSalesListPageId); 661 662 } 663 <div class="col s12"> 664 <div class="row"> 665 <div class="col s12"> 666 <h3>@productName</h3> 667 </div> 668 <div class="col s12"> 669 <div id="price-holder"></div> 670 @if (usps.Any()) 671 { 672 <div id="usps"> 673 <ul> 674 @foreach (var usp in usps) 675 { 676 <li>@usp</li> 677 } 678 </ul> 679 </div> 680 } 681 </div> 682 <div class="col s12 hide-on-med-and-down rich-text-editor-content assembly-intro"> 683 @selectedHeatpump.ShortDescription 684 </div> 685 <div class="col s12 hide-on-med-and-down"> 686 <div class="specsArea"> 687 @RenderSnippet("ActionLinks") 688 </div> 689 </div> 690 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(productImage)) 691 { 692 <div class="col s4 hide-on-large-only mobile-image"> 693 <img src="@productImage" /> 694 </div> 695 } 696 <div class="col s8 hide-on-large-only"> 697 @RenderSnippet("ActionLinks") 698 </div> 699 </div> 700 </div> 701 <div class="col s12"> 702 <h4 class="subtitle">@subtitle.Replace("{currentHeatpump}", productName)</h4> 703 </div> 704 if (thermostatOptions != null && thermostatOptions.Any()) 705 { 706 <div class="col s12 thermostats"> 707 <div class="row"> 708 <div class="col"> 709 <h5 class="optiontitle thermostatselector"> 710 @thermostatTitle 711 <span class="pictogram info-btn" id="thermostat-choose-infobtn"> 712 @moreInfoImage 713 </span> 714 </h5> 715 </div> 716 <div class="col">@thermostatIntro</div> 717 <div class="option-selector-container col s12" id="opt-container1"> 718 <div class="row"> 719 @foreach (var thermostatOption in thermostatOptions) 720 { 721 var thermostatProductId = thermostatOption.Id; 722 var thermostat = ProductHelper.CreateProductName(thermostatOption.Name, thermostatOption.Manufacturer); 723 ProductHelper.ClearProductPriceCache(thermostatOption); 724 var thermostatPriceRaw = ProductHelper.GetProductPrice(thermostatOption).Price; 725 var thermostatPrice = Math.Abs(thermostatPriceRaw).WarmgarantMoneyFormat(false, false, true); // no negative prices, add discount or rent credit prefixes, show free text when 0 726 if (thermostatPriceRaw < 0) 727 { 728 var prefix = orderType.Equals(OrderType.Buy) ? Translate("Discount") : Translate("RentCredit"); 729 thermostatPrice = string.Format("<span class=\"price-prefix\">{0}:</span> {1}", prefix, thermostatPrice); 730 } 731 var thermostatImage = thermostatOption.ImageSmall; 732 <div class="col s12 m6"> 733 <div class="option-panel horizontal large" data-value="@thermostatProductId" data-productid="@thermostatProductId" data-productType="@ProductType.Thermostat"> 734 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(thermostatImage)) 735 { 736 thermostatImage = string.Format("/Files{0}", thermostatImage); 737 <div class="left-column"> 738 <img src="@thermostatImage" alt="@Translate("Thermostat", "Thermostat").JsEncode(): @thermostat.JsEncode()" /> 739 </div> 740 <div class="right-column"> 741 <div class="text">@thermostat</div> 742 <div class="price opensans-bold">@thermostatPrice</div> 743 </div> 744 } 745 else 746 { 747 <div class="full-column"> 748 <div class="text">@thermostat</div> 749 <div class="price">@thermostatPrice</div> 750 </div> 751 } 752 </div> 753 </div> 754 } 755 </div> 756 </div> 757 </div> 758 </div> 759 } 760 761 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(airDirtSeparatorExtraInfo)) 762 { 763 <div class="col s12 airdirtseparator"> 764 <div class="row"> 765 <div class="col"> 766 <h5 class="optiontitle airdirtseparatorselector"> 767 @airDirtSeparatorTitle 768 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(airDirtSeparatorExtraInfo)) 769 { 770 <span class="pictogram info-btn" id="airdirtseparator-infobtn"> 771 @moreInfoImage 772 </span> 773 } 774 </h5> 775 </div> 776 <div class="col s12"> 777 @airDirtSeparatorIntro 778 </div> 779 <div class="col s12 option-selector-container" id="opt-container4"> 780 <div class="row"> 781 @foreach (var airDirtSeparatorOption in airDirtSeparatorOptions) 782 { 783 var airDirtSeparatorProductId = airDirtSeparatorOption.Id; 784 var airDirtSeparator = airDirtSeparatorOption.Name; 785 ProductHelper.ClearProductPriceCache(airDirtSeparatorOption); 786 var airDirtSeparatorPriceRaw = ProductHelper.GetProductPrice(airDirtSeparatorOption).Price; 787 var airDirtSeparatorPrice = airDirtSeparatorPriceRaw.WarmgarantMoneyFormat(true, false, true); 788 var airDirtSeparatorImage = airDirtSeparatorOption.ImageSmall; 789 <div class="col s12 m6"> 790 <div class="option-panel horizontal large" data-value="boiler1" data-productid="@airDirtSeparatorProductId" data-productType="@ProductType.AirDirtSeparator"> 791 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(airDirtSeparatorImage)) 792 { 793 airDirtSeparatorImage = string.Format("/Files{0}", airDirtSeparatorImage); 794 <div class="left-column"> 795 <img src="@airDirtSeparatorImage" alt="@Translate("Air/dirt separator", "Air/dirt separator").JsEncode(): @airDirtSeparator.JsEncode()" /> 796 </div> 797 <div class="right-column"> 798 <div class="text">@airDirtSeparator</div> 799 <div class="price opensans-bold">@airDirtSeparatorPrice</div> 800 </div> 801 } 802 else 803 { 804 <div class="full-column"> 805 <div class="text">@Translate(string.Format("AirDirtSeparatorHeatpumpButtonText_{0}", airDirtSeparator), airDirtSeparator)</div> 806 <div class="price">@airDirtSeparatorPrice</div> 807 </div> 808 } 809 </div> 810 </div> 811 } 812 </div> 813 </div> 814 </div> 815 </div> 816 } 817 818 if (serviceSubscriptionOptions != null && serviceSubscriptionOptions.Any()) 819 { 820 <div class="col s12 service-subscription"> 821 <div class="row"> 822 <div class="col s12"> 823 <h5 class="optiontitle"> 824 @serviceSubscriptionTitle 825 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serviceSubscriptionInfo)) 826 { 827 <span class="pictogram info-btn" id="service-subscription-infobtn"> 828 @moreInfoImage 829 </span> 830 } 831 </h5> 832 </div> 833 <div class="col s12"> 834 @serviceSubscriptionIntro 835 </div> 836 <div class="col s12 option-selector-container" id="opt-container2"> 837 @foreach (var serviceSubscriptionOption in serviceSubscriptionOptions) 838 { 839 var serviceSubscriptionProductId = serviceSubscriptionOption.Id; 840 var serviceSubscription = serviceSubscriptionOption.Name; 841 ProductHelper.ClearProductPriceCache(serviceSubscriptionOption); 842 var serviceSubscriptionPriceRaw = ProductHelper.GetProductPrice(serviceSubscriptionOption).Price; 843 var serviceSubscriptionPrice = serviceSubscriptionPriceRaw.WarmgarantMoneyFormat(true, false); 844 serviceSubscriptionImage = string.Format("{0}calendar-black.svg", iconsDirectory); 845 <div class="row"> 846 <div class="col s12 m6"> 847 <div class="option-panel vertical large" data-value="serviceSubscription1" data-productid="@serviceSubscriptionProductId" data-productType="@ProductType.ServiceSubscription"> 848 <div class="left-column"> 849 @SvgHelper.GetSvgContent(serviceSubscriptionImage, "black-svg") 850 </div> 851 <div class="right-column"> 852 <div class="text">@serviceSubscription.Replace(" (per maand)", "")</div> 853 @if (serviceSubscriptionPriceRaw > 0) 854 { 855 <div class="price">@Translate("AssemblyServicePriceText", "(monthly {price})").Replace("{price}", serviceSubscriptionPrice)</div> 856 } 857 </div> 858 </div> 859 </div> 860 </div> 861 } 862 </div> 863 </div> 864 </div> 865 } 866 867 if (installationOption != null) 868 { 869 <div class="col s12 installation"> 870 <div class="row"> 871 <div class="col s12"> 872 <h5 class="optiontitle"> 873 @installationTitle 874 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(installationExtraInfo)) 875 { 876 <span class="pictogram info-btn" id="installation-infobtn"> 877 @moreInfoImage 878 </span> 879 } 880 else 881 { 882 @SvgHelper.CreateInfoIcon(installationInfo, Translate("Information", "Information"), assetPath: assetsDirectory) 883 } 884 </h5> 885 </div> 886 <div class="col s12"> 887 @installationIntro 888 </div> 889 <div class="col s12 option-selector-container" id="opt-container3"> 890 @if (installationOption != null) 891 { 892 var installationProductId = installationOption.Id; 893 var installation = installationOption.Name; 894 ProductHelper.ClearProductPriceCache(installationOption); 895 var installationPriceRaw = ProductHelper.GetProductPrice(installationOption).Price; 896 var installationPrice = installationPriceRaw.WarmgarantMoneyFormat(true, true); 897 installationImage = string.Format("{0}installation-black.svg", iconsDirectory); 898 <div class="row"> 899 <div class="col s12 m6"> 900 <div class="option-panel vertical large" data-value="boiler1" data-productid="@installationProductId" data-productType="@ProductType.Installation"> 901 <div class="left-column"> 902 @SvgHelper.GetSvgContent(installationImage, "brown-svg") 903 </div> 904 <div class="right-column"> 905 <div class="text">@installation</div> 906 @if (installationPriceRaw > 0) 907 { 908 <div class="price">@installationPrice</div> 909 } 910 </div> 911 </div> 912 </div> 913 </div> 914 } 915 </div> 916 </div> 917 </div> 918 } 919 920 921 922 <div class="col s12"> 923 924 <h5>@disclaimerTitle</h5> 925 926 @disclaimerText 927 928 <label class="checkbox terms"> 929 <input type="checkbox" name="agree-terms" id="agree-terms" required="required"> 930 @Translate("AssemblyDisclaimerAgreeTermsText", "Ik begrijp het en ga akkoord") 931 </label> 932 933 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cartUrl)) 934 { 935 <p>&nbsp;</p> 936 if (heatpumpIsForSale) 937 { 938 <p><a class="btn btn-blue disabled-link" id="orderlink" href="@cartUrl">@Translate("Order", "Order")</a></p> 939 } 940 } 941 </div> 942 943 // MODAL THERMOSTATS 944 if (thermostatOptions != null && thermostatOptions.Any()) 945 { 946 <div id="ThermostatsModal" class="modal modal-large slider-modal"> 947 <div class="modal-header"> 948 <h3>@Translate("ThermostatsModalHeader", "Compare thermostats")</h3> 949 <div class="modal-action modal-close"> 950 @modalCloseImage 951 </div> 952 </div> 953 <div class="modal-content"> 954 <div class="slider-control slider-control-left"> 955 <div class="slider-control-wrapper"> 956 <div class="slider-arrow waves-effect"> 957 @SvgHelper.GetSvgContent(string.Format("{0}images/svg/arrow.svg", assetsDirectory), classNames: "general-svg", title: "Slider Control Left") 958 </div> 959 </div> 960 </div> 961 <div class="slider-container"> 962 @foreach (var thermostatOption in thermostatOptions) 963 { 964 var thermostatProductId = thermostatOption.Id; 965 var thermostat = ProductHelper.CreateProductName(thermostatOption.Name, thermostatOption.Manufacturer); 966 ProductHelper.ClearProductPriceCache(thermostatOption); 967 var thermostatPriceRaw = ProductHelper.GetProductPrice(thermostatOption).Price; 968 var thermostatPrice = thermostatPriceRaw.WarmgarantMoneyFormat(false, false, true, true); 969 var thermostatPriceColorClass = thermostatPriceRaw > 0 ? "blue-gradient" : "green-gradient"; 970 var thermostatImage = thermostatOption.ImageSmall; 971 var thermostatMobileDescription = thermostatOption.ShortDescription; 972 var thermostatDescription = thermostatOption.LongDescription; 973 974 <div class="slider-slide" data-productid="@thermostatProductId" data-productType="@ProductType.Thermostat" style="height: 100%"> 975 <div class="slider-content"> 976 <div class="content-header"> 977 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(thermostatImage)) 978 { 979 thermostatImage = string.Format("/Files{0}", thermostatImage); 980 <img src="@thermostatImage" 981 alt="@Translate("Thermostat", "Thermostat").JsEncode(): @thermostat.JsEncode()" /> 982 } 983 </div> 984 <div class="content-description ul-list rich-text-editor-content text-small hide-on-large-only">@thermostatMobileDescription</div> 985 <div class="content-description ul-list rich-text-editor-content text-small hide-on-med-and-down">@thermostatDescription</div> 986 <div class="choose-button"> 987 <a class="btn btn-blue">@Translate("Choose", "Kies")</a> 988 </div> 989 </div> 990 </div> 991 } 992 </div> 993 <div class="slider-control slider-control-right"> 994 <div class="slider-control-wrapper"> 995 <div class="slider-arrow waves-effect"> 996 @SvgHelper.GetSvgContent(string.Format("{0}images/svg/arrow.svg", assetsDirectory), classNames: "general-svg", title: "Slider Control Right") 997 </div> 998 </div> 999 </div> 1000 </div> 1001 </div> 1002 } 1003 1004 // MODAL Air/Dirt separator 1005 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(airDirtSeparatorExtraInfo)) 1006 { 1007 <div id="AirDirtSeparatorInfoModal" class="modal modal-medium icon-modal airdirtseparator-detail"> 1008 <div class="modal-header"> 1009 <h3>@Translate("AirDirtSeparatorModalHeader", "Air/dirt separator info")</h3> 1010 <div class="modal-action modal-close"> 1011 @modalCloseImage 1012 </div> 1013 </div> 1014 <div class="modal-content rich-text-editor-content"> 1015 @airDirtSeparatorExtraInfo 1016 </div> 1017 </div> 1018 } 1019 1020 // MODAL SERVICE SUBSCRIPTION 1021 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serviceSubscriptionInfo)) 1022 { 1023 <div id="ServiceSubscriptionModal" class="modal modal-medium icon-modal service-subscription-detail"> 1024 <div class="modal-header"> 1025 <h3>@Translate("ServiceSubscriptionModalHeader", "Service subscription")</h3> 1026 <div class="modal-action modal-close"> 1027 @modalCloseImage 1028 </div> 1029 </div> 1030 <div class="modal-content rich-text-editor-content"> 1031 @serviceSubscriptionInfo 1032 </div> 1033 </div> 1034 } 1035 1036 // MODAL INSTALLATION INFO 1037 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(installationExtraInfo)) 1038 { 1039 <div id="InstallationInfoModal" class="modal modal-medium icon-modal installation-detail"> 1040 <div class="modal-header"> 1041 <h3>@Translate("InstallationInfoModalHeader", "Installation info")</h3> 1042 <div class="modal-action modal-close"> 1043 @modalCloseImage 1044 </div> 1045 </div> 1046 <div class="modal-content rich-text-editor-content"> 1047 @installationExtraInfo 1048 </div> 1049 </div> 1050 } 1051 1052 // MODAL MORE INFO 1053 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(productLongDescription) && productLongDescription.Length > 10) 1054 { 1055 <div id="MoreInfoModal" class="modal modal-medium icon-modal more-info"> 1056 <div class="modal-header"> 1057 <h3>@Translate("MoreInformation", "More info")</h3> 1058 <div class="modal-action modal-close"> 1059 @modalCloseImage 1060 </div> 1061 </div> 1062 <div class="modal-content rich-text-editor-content"> 1063 @productLongDescription 1064 </div> 1065 </div> 1066 } 1067 } 1068 </div> 1069 </div> 1070 <div class="col s10 l4 push-s1"> 1071 @if (heatpumpSelected) 1072 { 1073 <div id="receipt"> 1074 <div class="preloader-wrapper small active"> 1075 <div class="spinner-layer spinner-orange-only"> 1076 <div class="circle-clipper left"> 1077 <div class="circle"></div> 1078 </div> 1079 <div class="gap-patch"> 1080 <div class="circle"></div> 1081 </div> 1082 <div class="circle-clipper right"> 1083 <div class="circle"></div> 1084 </div> 1085 </div> 1086 </div> 1087 </div> 1088 } 1089 </div> 1090 </div> 1091 </div> 1092 </div> 1093 @if (quotationParagraphId > 0) 1094 { 1095 <div id="QuotationRequestModal" class="modal modal-large quotation-request-modal"> 1096 <div class="modal-header"> 1097 <h3>@Translate("QuotationRequests_Modal_Header", "Quotation request")</h3> 1098 <div class="modal-action modal-close"> 1099 @SvgHelper.GetSvgContent(string.Format("{0}images/svg/pictograms/x-close.svg", assetsDirectory), classNames: "brown-svg darken-3", title: Translate("Close", "Close").JsEncode()) 1100 </div> 1101 </div> 1102 <div class="modal-content rich-text-editor-content"> 1103 @RenderParagraphContent(quotationParagraphId) 1104 </div> 1105 </div> 1106 } 1107 </div> 1108 1109 @SnippetStart("ActionLinks") 1110 var arrow = "<img class=\"icon\" src=\"/Files/Templates/Designs/Warmtethuis/Images/icons/Arrow-anthracite-small.svg\">"; 1111 1112 <div class="ul-list action-list"> 1113 <ul> 1114 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(productLongDescription) && productLongDescription.Length > 10) 1115 { 1116 <li><a href="#" class="more-infobtn">@arrow @Translate("MoreInformation", "More info")</a></li> 1117 } 1118 @*@if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(techSpecsPageUrl)) 1119 { 1120 <li class="hide-on-small-and-down"><a href="#" class="techspecs-desktop">@arrow @Translate("TechnicalSpecifications", "Technical specs")</a></li> 1121 <li class="hide-on-med-and-up"><a href="#" class="techspecs-mobile">@arrow @Translate("TechnicalSpecifications", "Technical specs")</a></li> 1122 }*@ 1123 @*tijdelijk uitgezet, tot er een account is aangemaakt <li><a href="" target="_blank">@arrow @Translate("CustomerExperiences", "Klantervaringen")</a></li>*@ 1124 @*<li> 1125 <a class="btn btn-yellow hide-on-design-and-up quotation-button" href="@cartUrl" id="quotation-button-small">@Translate("Button_Send_Quotation_Small", "Quotation")</a> 1126 <a class="btn btn-yellow hide-on-design-and-down quotation-button" href="@cartUrl" id="quotation-button-large">@Translate("Button_Send_Quotation", "Send me a quotation")</a> 1127 </li>*@ 1128 </ul> 1129 </div> 1130 @SnippetEnd("ActionLinks") 1131 1132 1133 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(seoPage)) 1134 { 1135 <Text> 1136 <script> 1137 SEO.trackPageView("@seoPage", '@GetGlobalValue("Global:CookieOptInLevel").ToLower()' === 'functional'); 1138 SEO.trackAddToCart('@selectedHeatpump.Id', '@selectedHeatpump.Name.JsEncode()', '@productPriceDouble.GoogleMoneyFormat()', '@selectedHeatpump.Manufacturer.Name.JsEncode()', '@(orderType.Equals(OrderType.Rent) ? "Huur" : "Koop")', '@productGroupName.JsEncode()', 1); 1139 </script> 1140 </Text> 1141 } 1142 1143 <script> 1144 var orderType = '@orderType'; 1145 @if (orderType == OrderType.Buy) 1146 { 1147 <Text> 1148 var heatpumpProductId = '@productId'; 1149 var areaId = @areaId; 1150 </Text> 1151 } 1152 </script> 1153 1154 1155 @SnippetStart("JavaScriptBottom") 1156 <script> // product click 1157 1158 function productSelected(element) { 1159 1160 var clickedProduct = $(element); 1161 var productId = clickedProduct.attr("data-productid"); 1162 1163 var productTypeData = clickedProduct.attr("data-productType"); 1164 var productType = null; 1165 var areaId = @Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageView.Current().AreaID; 1166 switch (productTypeData) { 1167 case "Thermostat": productType = ProductType.Thermostat; 1168 break; 1169 case "ServiceSubscription": productType = ProductType.ServiceSubscription; 1170 break; 1171 default: return; 1172 break; 1173 } 1174 if (productType != null) { 1175 Cart.AddOption(productType, productId, 1, areaId, true, OptionChangeSucceeded, OptionChangeFailed); 1176 } else { 1177 OptionChangeFailed(); 1178 } 1179 }; 1180 1181 function OptionChangeSucceeded(newProductId) { 1182 // reload receipt 1183 var areaId = @Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageView.Current().AreaID; 1184 Cart.ReloadReceipt('@GetGlobalValue("Global:Area.LongLang")', "", areaId, scrollAbleReceipt); 1185 }; 1186 1187 function OptionChangeFailed() { 1188 alert("selection failed"); 1189 }; 1190 1191 function termsClick(event) { 1192 var checkbox = $(; // clicked checkbox 1193 var checked =":checked"); // clicked checkbox is checked 1194 if (checked) { 1195 $("#orderlink").removeClass("disabled-link"); 1196 } else { 1197 $("#orderlink").addClass("disabled-link"); 1198 } 1199 }; 1200 1201 function movePriceFromProductCardToContent() { 1202 1203 var price = $(".heatpump-image .action-square")[0]; 1204 var priceholder = $("#price-holder"); 1205 1206 if (typeof price !== 'undefined' && typeof priceholder !== 'undefined') { 1207 // for buy heatpumps a discount can be active. 1208 // when the page is first loaded the discount and discount image is unknown to the order. 1209 // to display the discount, the before prices and discount image we need to reset the process async 1210 if (orderType === 'Buy') { 1211 var getProductDiscountInfoApiUrl = "/serviceapi/cart/getproductdiscountinfo/" + heatpumpProductId + "/none/" + areaId; 1212 $.ajax({ url: getProductDiscountInfoApiUrl }) 1213 .done(function (result) { 1214 if (result !== null && result.ProductHasDiscount) { 1215 1216 // set price 1217 $(".heatpump-image .action-square .action-container").html("<div><span class=\"before\"><span class=\"strikethrough\">" + result.ProductPriceBeforeDiscountString + "</span><br /></span>" + result.ProductPriceString + "</div>"); 1218 1219 // set image 1220 $(".image", ".heatpump-image ").attr("style", "background-image: url(" + result.ProductImage + ");"); 1221 1222"The price has been altered async to correctly show the discount value."); 1223 } 1224 }).always(function () { 1225 $(".heatpump-image .action-square").prependTo("#price-holder"); 1226 }); 1227 } else { 1228 $(".heatpump-image .action-square").prependTo("#price-holder"); 1229 } 1230 } 1231 }; 1232 1233 var initReceiptScroll = function (element) { 1234 var $this = $(element); 1235 var $target = $('#contentrow'); 1236 $this.pushpin({ 1237 top: $target.offset().top + 10, 1238 bottom: $target.offset().top + $target.outerHeight() - $this.height(), 1239 offset: $target.offset().top - 130 1240 }); 1241 }; 1242 1243 var initChatAgentScroll = function (element) { 1244 var $this = $(element); 1245 var $target = $('#contentrow'); 1246 $this.pushpin({ 1247 top: $target.offset().top + 440, 1248 bottom: $target.offset().top + $target.outerHeight() - $this.height(), 1249 offset: $target.offset().top - 130 1250 }); 1251 }; 1252 1253 var scrollAbleReceipt = function () { 1254 $('html.screen-lg-up').find('#receipt').each(function () { 1255 $(this).pushpin('remove'); 1256 initReceiptScroll(this); 1257 resizeToParentWidth(this); 1258 }); 1259 }; 1260 1261 var openQuotationRequestModal = function () { 1262 $('#QuotationRequestModal').innovadisModal().modal('open'); 1263 }; 1264 1265 var initThermostatButtons = function () { 1266 $('#ThermostatsModal .choose-button').off('click').on('click', function () { 1267 $('#opt-container1').trigger("option-click", $(this).closest(".slider-slide").data('productid')); 1268 $('#ThermostatsModal').modal('close'); 1269 }); 1270 }; 1271 1272 var initSliderButtons = function (slick) { 1273 if (slick.slideCount > slick.options.slidesToShow) { 1274 $('.slider-arrow').show() 1275 1276 } else { 1277 $('.slider-arrow').hide() 1278 } 1279 }; 1280 1281 $(function () { 1282 1283 // Initialize checkbox in quotation layover 1284 $("label.checkbox", "#quotation-request-form").innovadisCheckbox({}); 1285 1286 // Initialize term checkbox 1287 $("label.checkbox.terms").innovadisCheckbox({ 1288 onAfterChange: termsClick 1289 }); 1290 1291 // move price 1292 movePriceFromProductCardToContent(); 1293 1294 // Init modal listeners 1295 $('#thermostat-choose-infobtn').off("click").on("click", function () { 1296 1297 $('#ThermostatsModal').innovadisModal({ 1298 slick: { 1299 slidesToShow: 4, 1300 responsive: [ 1301 { 1302 breakpoint: 992, 1303 settings: { 1304 slidesToShow: 2, 1305 dots: true 1306 } 1307 1308 }, { 1309 breakpoint: 600, 1310 settings: { 1311 slidesToShow: 1, 1312 dots: true 1313 } 1314 1315 }] 1316 } 1317 }).modal('open'); 1318 1319 }); 1320 1321 $('#ThermostatsModal').on('init breakpoint', function (event, slick, direction) { 1322 initThermostatButtons(); 1323 initSliderButtons(slick); 1324 }); 1325 1326 $('#airdirtseparator-infobtn').off("click").on("click", function () { 1327 $('#AirDirtSeparatorInfoModal').innovadisModal().modal('open'); 1328 }); 1329 1330 $('#service-subscription-infobtn').off("click").on("click", function () { 1331 $('#ServiceSubscriptionModal').innovadisModal().modal('open'); 1332 }); 1333 1334 $('#installation-infobtn').off("click").on("click", function () { 1335 $('#InstallationInfoModal').innovadisModal().modal('open'); 1336 }); 1337 1338 $('.more-infobtn').off("click").on("click", function (e) { 1339 e.preventDefault(); 1340 $('#MoreInfoModal').innovadisModal().modal('open'); 1341 return false; 1342 }); 1343 1344 // show technical specifications for desktop click 1345 $('.techspecs-desktop').off("click").on("click", function (e) { 1346 e.preventDefault(); 1347 $('#TechSpecsModalDesktop').innovadisModal().modal('open'); 1348 return false; 1349 }); 1350 1351 // show technical specifications for mobile click 1352 $('.techspecs-mobile').off("click").on("click", function (e) { 1353 e.preventDefault(); 1354 $('#TechSpecsModalMobile').innovadisModal().modal('open'); 1355 return false; 1356 }); 1357 1358 // Init modal quotation request 1359 $('.quotation-button').off("click").on("click", function (e) { 1360 e.preventDefault(); 1361 openQuotationRequestModal(); 1362 SEO.trackPageView("@seoPageQuotation", '@GetGlobalValue("Global:CookieOptInLevel").ToLower()' === 'functional'); 1363 return false; 1364 }); 1365 1366 // Initialize advice & contact plugin 1367 if ($('#tabs-advice-contact')[0]) { 1368 1369 function handleTabOnbefore(event) { 1370 var $element = $(event.currentTarget); 1371 var $target = $"toggle"); 1372 1373 // reset call me back form before showing 1374 if ($target === "call-me-back-container" && typeof onBeforeCallMeBack !== 'undefined') { 1375 onBeforeCallMeBack(); 1376 } 1377 } 1378 1379 // set advice as default 1380 $('[data-toggle]').innovadisToggleClass({ 1381 target: $('#tabs-advice-contact'), // Target which will receive "className" 1382 className: 'overlay-active', // Class to add as active class 1383 subTarget: true, // Use data-attribute value as target ID, target will receive active class 1384 onBefore: handleTabOnbefore // Call a function before toggling 1385 }); 1386 $('ul.tabs', "#tabs-advice-contact").tabs('select_tab', 'contact-tab'); 1387 $("#advice-tab").parent().addClass("hide"); // hide advice tab 1388 } 1389 1390 // initialize modals 1391 $('.modal').modal(); 1392 1393 // Initialize option panels 1394 $('#opt-container1').innovadisOptionSelector({ inputName: 'select_product', callback: productSelected }); 1395 $('#opt-container2').innovadisOptionSelector({ inputName: 'select_product', callback: productSelected }); 1396 $('#opt-container3').innovadisOptionSelector({ inputName: 'select_installation', callback: productSelected }); 1397 $('#opt-container4').innovadisOptionSelector({ inputName: 'select_product', callback: productSelected }); 1398 1399 // Initial load receipt 1400 var areaId = @Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageView.Current().AreaID; 1401 Cart.ReloadReceipt('@GetGlobalValue("Global:Area.LongLang")', "", areaId, scrollAbleReceipt); 1402 1403 $(window) 1404 .resize(function () { 1405 resizeToParentWidth('#receipt'); 1406 resizeToParentWidth('#advice-contact'); 1407 }) 1408 .trigger('resize'); 1409 1410 scrollAbleReceipt(); 1411 1412 $('html.screen-lg-up').find('#advice-contact').each(function () { 1413 initChatAgentScroll(this); 1414 }); 1415 1416 $('html').on('classChange', function (event, eventClass) { 1417 if (eventClass === 'screen-md-down') { 1418 $('#receipt').pushpin('remove'); 1419 $('#advice-contact').pushpin('remove'); 1420 } 1421 if (eventClass === 'screen-md-down-removed') { 1422 initReceiptScroll('#receipt'); 1423 initChatAgentScroll('#advice-contact'); 1424 } 1425 }); 1426 }); 1427 </script> 1428 @SnippetEnd("JavaScriptBottom") 1429 } 1430